February 20, 2018

By Robert Murray

This article is going to give you actionable steps to help you manage the company that built your website and/or is running your marketing efforts.


This is number one. Ask yourself:

Does your website company let you know how your website is performing compared to where you want to be?

Are they showing you how many leads you’re getting and where they’re coming from?

Here is a great example of what a goal conversion report looks like from Google Analytics:

google-analytics-report-1- Intrigue

This breakdown allows you to see how many goals have been completed, the value of those goals, and which goals are converting.

This is where rubber hits the road and the age old idea that ‘you can’t measure marketing dollars’ goes out the window.

If your website company isn’t giving you this information, there is no need to fret — it’s common practice that this type of information is not available from every company — that changes now.

The question is: Do you even know what you want to accomplish with your website — and if you don’t know, is your website company helping you understand what is possible?

The next time you meet with your website company, ask them: How many leads have I had through my website in the last three months? 

If they’re worth their salt, they’ll give you an answer.  If not, it’s time to start looking for a better partner.

Get A Better Website Than Your Competition

Find Out How


This is a simple concept, yet it is often missed. Ask yourself:

Do you have an annual, quarterly, or monthly touchpoint scheduled with your website company?

Do you want a report sent to you monthly? Have you asked for one? Are you getting one?

The web is changing so fast, and we all need to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the world of digital.

We recommend that monthly reports get emailed to you in order to make sure that your website partner is staying on point. This will also provide some transparency so you can ask questions about your campaign and strategy.

Here’s an example of what you can get, if you want it.

monthly-reporting- Intrigue

Staying Ahead

The web is constantly changing. Google, code, technology, and software tools are evolving every day. Marketing companies are meant to keep their clients at the forefront of what can be done to help their businesses grow and be successful. You should be receiving, at the very least, an email with an update about what is going on in your world to keep you competitive.

Two things that are very important right now:

  • Audience Building through Google Remarketing and the Facebook Pixel
  • Conversion Optimization

Long story short, you need a partner that is in it for your success.

At Intrigue, our goal is to help grow businesses and partner for the long term — we are in it for your success.

Call Intrigue at 519-265-4933 or email me, robert@intrigueme.ca, if you want to know how we can help you implement these extremely important tools and concepts.

Rob is an action junkie at Intrigue. When he isn’t meeting with clients to create marketing campaigns to grow their business, he is meeting with Chuck Norris to find out how he became the king of action. Rob is part of the Young Professionals Network of Guelph and the Master Planning Steering Committee for the Guelph General Hospital. When Rob isn’t working, he works on finding new ways to catapult himself through the air.

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