1. High Performing Emails
Tapping into years of research and analysis, the content team at Intrigue will create highly-effective email newsletters and automated drip campaigns using strategies that are proven to convert leads into customers. By studying email marketing best practices, adhering to anti-spam law, and optimizing templates for usability, our campaigns have consistently generated higher engagement rates across the board.
2. Tracking, Testing, and Measuring
The old adage that what gets measured gets managed holds true in email marketing. Whether looking at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, the beauty of email is that everything can be measured. We can track a customer’s entire journey with your company — from opting-in through your website to booking your services — by looking at their email history. We can also test copy, subject lines, and calls-to-action to learn what resonates with your audience and drives them to take action.
3. Detailed Reporting
Our team will provide you with detailed reports and a monthly summary of your email marketing initiatives. You can stop digging through complex charts and graphs and making decisions based on guesswork. We break the data down for you, allowing you to get a deeper understanding of your customers and informing your marketing decisions over time.
4. Gaining Authority and Staying Top-of-Mind
By populating your emails with valuable, timely, and personalized content from your blog, website, and social media, we’ll position your business as the trusted authority. When trust is established, there’s a much higher likelihood of conversion. The emails we craft will help you reach your audience and nurture new leads so that when they’re ready to purchase, your business is the obvious choice.
Your emails will also ensure that your established customer base is kept up-to-date on your latest projects, offerings, and promotions, and your business is top-of-mind for their next purchase.
5. Optimizing Campaigns with List Segmentation
Segmenting your email list simply means dividing your subscribers into smaller buckets based on a set criteria. This could be demographics, interests, geographic area, or amount spent, for example. The more you can segment your list, the more you can personalize your content to speak directly to a specific audience. Studies have shown that segmented campaigns with more relevant content generate 14.37% more opens and 64.78% more clicks than non-segmented campaigns*.
*Source: Hubspot