Marketing Blog

Canada 150 & 150 Intrigue Leadership Moments - Intrigue

Celebrating Canada 150 — 150 Intrigue Leadership Moments

2017 is a huge year for our beloved country and it has been a huge year for Intrigue. Although we haven’t been around quite as long as Canada, Intrigue is celebrating over a decade of Empowering Leaders and Strengthening Communities. [...]

Local Leader Spotlight: Evan MacKinnon

At Intrigue, we believe in empowering leaders and strengthening communities — that’s why we have decided to spotlight a ‘Local Leader’ each month! Our Local Leaders are individuals who have shown both professional leadership and leadership within the community.  We are [...]
Leadercast 2017- Intrigue

Leadercast 2017 Recap

As someone who loves learning about how to grow as a leader, Leadercast is one of my favourite days of the year. If you’re not familiar with Leadercast, it is a day long simulcast hosted in Atlanta, Georgia, featuring talks [...]
Intrigue Team Goes Glamping- Team Building

Intrigue Goes Glamping!

2017 has been an exponential year of growth for Intrigue, with a number of new team members, and more to come! Being at the old office (aka house) on Westmount with a team of 15 and moving to a two-story [...]

Local Leader Spotlight: Marc Petitpas

At Intrigue, we believe in empowering leaders & strengthening communities — that’s why we have decided to spotlight a ‘Local Leader’ each month! Our Local Leaders are individuals who have shown professional leadership, but also leadership within the community. We [...]
Valuable content creates business growth

Valuable Content = Business Growth

We live in an age where people are always connected. There is no downtime. We receive a constant barrage of news, updates, and alerts. There’s so much happening that it can be hard to distinguish between what’s true, what’s fake, [...]
Website Design Video Production Dirt Cheap

Designing Dirt Cheap

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Leadership Guelph Intrigue

Lead Yourself 2017!

On May 9, 2017, our Leadership Lunch networking group organized an event that brought leaders in the community together to share their stories and experiences to empower others. With over 100 in attendance at Cutten Club in Guelph, the event [...]